now's your time to become a...
Transform your relationship to one of 
respect, connection & teamwork 
In private, in your pajamas and at your own pace, no babysitter required.
(Without dragging your begrudging partner to a single therapy session - 
they don’t even have to know you’re doing this.)
You want to feel proud, and confident
 in your relationship.
You want to feel connected and understood

You want to KNOW that you made a good choice in your partner as the father or mother of your children. 

You want no more drama, and to be on the same page when it comes to parenting. 

You want support and a healthy division of labor. 
But sometimes the one thing that's harder than being a peaceful parent...
is being a peaceful partner.

With the over 50% divorce rates - it seems the odds are stacked against us. For almost every couple, raising young children means massive levels of stress. 

Even when we can seem to muster massive amounts of patience and compassion for our kids - when it comes to our partner they're often served the worst of us. 

Plus, while most of us feel OK sharing that we're struggling in our parenting... having a difficult marriage is still... TABOO!
"My partner undermines my peaceful parenting approach..."
Here are some of the most typical complaints my clients share with me:
Can you relate to any of these?
"He is forceful, aggressive and controlling"

"He believes in punishments or timeouts and thinks I am "soft" or weak. "

"Arguments happen often, in front of the kids or not, and there's no sense of teamwork."

"It's inconsistent for the children and stressful for me."

"He loses his patience so quickly! It's easier when he's not around."

"We're burnt out and exhausted."

"I do all the housework and most of the parenting. He just does the 'Fun stuff'."

"We have trust issues when it comes to parenting."

"We have no time for 'us' "

"We can't align on our parenting style - I want to parent peacefully, she's all about the control."
"I feel disconnected." 
"I feel misunderstood." 
"There's no communication." 
Maybe you've already tried...
Therapy or counseling 
Books & articles
Talking blue in the face
And yet, you still feel... 
Misaligned on your parenting styles
Your husband undermines your peaceful parenting style, he is forceful, aggressive and controlling - believes in punishments or time outs and thinks you are "soft" or weak. Arguments happen often, in front of the kids or not, and there's no sense of teamwork. It's inconsistent for the children and stressful for you. 
Helpless and disconnected 
You feel like you're the mama bear who has to protect her cubs from him. You feel helpless, because they're his kids too. You feel like a hypocrite because you're oh-so peaceful and connected with the children - there's no love left over for your children. 
Your family deserves better than this
Mothers and fathers should enjoy a strong connection and should be a team. Children ought to have parents who are loving to each-other and not be caught in the middle of confusing conflicts. Marriages should last, and be happy and loving throughout. 
Or maybe you've completely neglected your relationship since becoming a parent. 
That makes total sense, too.
And I totally get it. 
I know, first hand, how devastating it can feel to sense that your partner, 
the other parent of your children doesn't support you or understand what you're trying to do. 
Or even undermines your efforts.
 I know how scary it is to sense you might lose your relationship 
- or worse, be stuck in an unhappy relationship for the years to come. 
I know how infuriating it can be to spend thousands on therapy - and years on the couch, only to feel like NO PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE.
I want you to know: your issues are not impossible to solve, you are not at a dead end. 
You are at the precipice of an incredible journey. 
I've been on it myself, personally, and guided others as they navigate the path 
to finding harmony with their spouse, 

I've seen this with hundreds of clients... 
If you feel like you've tried everything and you're not sure where to turn next...
I'm here to tell you...
What you need is
 a NEW, actionable approach.
Talking and talking
about our problems
Talking and talking
at our partner
Talking and talking
to ourselves
(that may never happen).
We need...
We need actionable steps WE can take, 
whether our partner is on board
or not.
Are you ready to create MAJOR transformation in your relationship, without dragging your partner to therapy and waiting through fruitless years for them to *want* to change. 
Are you ready to change the only thing you can change?
Are you ready to question everything you thought you knew about parenting together? And start FRESH?
Are you ready to become a Peaceful Partner? 
"Life changing."
- Elinor
The Only Self Study Course designed for peaceful parents like you who want to become...

It takes emotional work, plenty of it, and a real, steadfast commitment to seeing change. but the steps to follow are clear and simple, if not always easy. 

Parent In Love is a 6 month, interactive, video-based training program that teaches authentic, practicle strategies to peaceful parents who want more connection and more alignement with their partners.

Whether you're struggling to align on division of labor, on parenting style or just feeling you've lost connection now that the kids are here, Parent In Love will challenge you to take your relationship to it's highest level. It’s designed to turn your relationship into a healing, respectful, trusting partnership that serves as the pillar of your family and the highest model for your children to learn from.


This is NOT a "done for you" program.

It demmands a LOT of emotional work, focus and investment from you. 
"Blown away by this! Didn’t think changing one person can actually change a marriage, but what you say is sooooo deep and true." 
- Leah

Module 1 / Foundations of Cooperation

Supercharge your partnership for cooperation, 
even if you're usually at each other's necks.

Find yourself suddenly 100%  committed to your partner and to this process - with all of those creeping doubts gone for good. 

Unearth the weird thinking patterns that are subconsciously blocking change from taking place - and what to do about them. 

Discover how grateful you can feel when you learn the truth about why you picked this partner! 

Learn the secret of co-creation, and why it doesn't take two to tango. 

Empower yourself as the game-changing, powerful agent of change that you already are, you just never knew it. 

Module 2 / Drama-Proof your Communication

Learn how to talk so that your partner not only hears you, 
but actually understands you.

Discover the number one impediment to healthy communication that many couples don't even think of.

Learn the truth about why your partner doesn't listen - and how to transform that, gently. 

Transform your tough conversations - the ones that never end well - into something to look forward to.

Become an expert at the most important communication skill - that no one in our culture knows how to do.

Quickly disarm defensiveness! Learn the quirky secrets of appealing to your partner's subconscious mind.

Module 3 / Chart your Division of Labor

Feeling resentful? Like you do the lion's share and your partner gets to do the "fun stuff"?  Let's put an end to that, shall we?

The biggest mistakes couples make when it comes to divvying up housework - and why it's crucial you change this now.

How gender equality has messed us up, and what we can do to get back to our control. 

The 2 different approaches to the division of labor - find which one works for you.

What to do when your partner doesn't pull their weight. This is a game changer. 

How to reframe giving, taking and chores so that you escape the victim mindset, and never return. 

Module 4 / Align on your Parenting Values and Styles!

Become a parenting team, pulling together, working with the same values towards building the same vision.

Learn the two bizzare methods to finding out what your deepest vision for your family really is. 

Family values are the core messages we want our kids to learn in the world - zero in on what yours are and get on the same page with your partner. 

Understanding where we come from is the biggest key to engaging in healthy parenting in the present - discover the format for diving into deep childhood conversations with your partner, safely. 

Know why debating with your partner is never a good idea and what to do instead. 

Module 5 / Connect! For real! 

Finally, rediscover that surge of connection - and unconditional love - that you have been yearning for, need and deserve.

Figure out the key to deeper connection and why it's alluded us all this time (it's simpler than you think). 

Get serious about making time to connect and understanding how that needs to manifest in your unique relationship. 

Learn why you and your partner are like radios pitching at different frequencies and what you need to do about it.  

Discover your inner child and why they're important to your current children.

Module 6 / Learn how to parent together (yes, even with real live kids)

What to do when you think your partner is parenting all wrong! And how to argue or disagree, even when the kids are there, without damage. 

Get the insights into whether or not - and how you can or can't fight in front of your children, without lasting damage. 

Discover what your role is in teaching your partner about your parenting insights, and how to most effectively inspire those insights in your partner. 

Get clarity on how to stop things from spiralling out of control when your partner isn't parenting the way you want to. 

And become the Peaceful Partner you dream of being. 
 "You saved my marriage and my life."
Half a year of transformative content. Every. Single.  Week.
  • Stay Accountable: You'll get your weekly session direct to your inbox with a reminder to head on over to the private members area to watch your video!
  • Stay In Pajamas: get transformative ideas and direction even while nursing your baby or brewing up your favorite kombucha green tea.
  • No quick fix: This course takes 6 months to complete (or much longer, if you prefer!) and that is by design. I want these ideas to really take hold, and you need long term support and cheerleading to see lasting results.
  • Digestable sessions: The weekly videos are typically between 25 - 45 minutes (with some shorter and longer ones interspersed). This is so that you don't need to invest much time every week. And you can take it slower than that, if you prefer. 
  • Lifetime Access: We're not planning on going anywhere. As long as we're running the course, which is hopefully years to come, you'll be a member.
Action-oriented steps! No more guessing games about "what to do next".
  • Journal Worksheets: Every single session comes with a journal for you to write in - cementing the changes and making them real.
  • Sticky reminders: Ever single session also comes with printables - mini posters with messages on them to keep this week's challenge top of mind for you. You can stick these on your mirror, fridge or dashboard. 
  • Deep Dives and Templates: Whenever it's helpful, there will be a template, examples and deep dives to make sure you're squeezing the maximum out of each new idea.
All the formats you love, accessible anywhere
  • Watch: Every session comes with a video (of me!) Hiiiii!
  • Read: You'll also get the transcript of the session, in case you prefer to read.
  • Listen: If you just want audio, we've got you covered. Download the MP3 and have a nice commute.
  • Journal: Need to write in order to learn? Perfect, we have a journal worksheet just for you.
  •  Further resources: Want to know where I learned the ideas brought to you in this session? I always try to quote my resources and point you in the right direction for even deeper learning. 
  • Mobile Friendly: Not a laptop type of person? No worries. Everything you receive should be good to go on your mobile as well. 
Your partner wants in but doesn't have the patience to watch the full session? I hear you!
  • Session Summary:  Every session comes with a summary video which is about 5 minutes long, perfect for those shorter attention spans. 
"It’s an incredible journey on every level."
- Layla
This course is designed for parents, who are in a commited relationship. 

If you want to learn how to use authentic, conscious commuication to get more understanding with your partner, get on the "same page" and align on division of labor, on core family values and on your parenting goals, Parent In Love is for you.
Ideal members fall into one of these categories:
You're a peaceful parent and your partner is NOT
Perhaps you're committed to respectful communication and to avoiding punishments, shaming, time outs and yelling... but your partner is impatient or angry... parenting seems easier alone.

Every time your partner yells - or raises a hand to your child - you're crushed inside. You go mama-bear and feel the need to protect your child from your partner!

PARENT IN LOVE can help.
You feel you're doing the lion's share of the WORK
Maybe you wonder why you're doing all the emotional labor, the parenting, the housework... (oh, and maybe you're even bringing home some bacon as well?). 

While your partner prioritizes their own needs, is clueless about your schedule and seems to get to do only the "fun stuff". Ugh. Life doesn't seem fair.

PARENT IN LOVE can help.
You want more connection... like NOW
Parenting has totally taken over your world and you can't remember the last time you felt close to your partner. Time together is a major issue. And exhaustion. And zero libido. Disconnected, much?

You feel as though the kids have sucked up all your love (bless 'em!) and there's nothing left over for the hubmonster. 

PARENT IN LOVE can help.


You're in an unsafe, voletile or violent relationship, or if you suffer from mental illness, addictions or depression - Parent In Love is not for you and I urge you to seek professional help. 

If you're cynical, or are not willing to work hard on yourself. 

You're not open to being coachable, not willing to swallow some "tough love" pills. 

You're not willing to focus primarily on changing your own self. 

I'm only interested in working with action-takers, with people who are ready to put in the effort and with people who don't make excuses or blame others when things get challenging. 
 "Parent in Love is truly amazing."
Parent In Love is led by Avital, a Mindful Parenting Coach and creator of the loved show The Parenting Junkie. 
Avital's mission is to help you to LOVE parenting and to parent from LOVE. Which, when you're in a committed relationship, is only possible when you and your partner can Parent In Love togetherParent In Love members can ask Avital personal questions and get answers on the monthly Q&A sessions with Avital. 

“A WONDERFUL concept. So many parents need this kind of instruction! Avital’s work opens up an emotionally intelligent dialogue for parents to focus on approaching parenting consciously.”

Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Author of The Awakened Family 

"Avital offers sound, smart advice that will shift the parenting paradigm to a deeper, more mindful approach.”

Dr. Laura Markham, Author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
You might think this won't work for me, my husband is never on board with therapy - and I want you to know you do NOT need your partner to take this process with you. Unlike conventional paths, my approach is action oriented and focuses on the only thing you can change: you. 
You might think I don't have time - which is why this process is tailor made for busy parents like you and me. Videos that you can watch whenever you have a moment, or listen to, or read. Of course, anything worth doing takes time, but I don't believe you should be in years of therapy going round the same cycles of dysfunction. With my process we're talking months, not decades. 
You might be worried that if "he" or "she" won't put in the work - you won't see the major transformation you desire. It's true, the impact of any process is amplified by both partner's efforts. But this course is designed for just one partner to put in the major heavy lifting - the partner who is most frustrated and ready for change is usually the one who leads both partners to the next level. 
You might think I don't have spare cash right now - but let me ask you - do you have spare years to spend building up resentment and contempt for the one person you committed to loving forever? How much more would it cost, years down the line? how much more would it cost if the connection dissipitated altogether? And what prices are you and your family paying right now, if you leave things as they are? 
If you're wondering if your situation is special and different, know this: every relationship is different. The tools you'll acquire here are about consciousness, communication, collaboration, compassion and self awareness.. these are universally applicable, so long as you're in a safe relationship with a good person.
What would a loving, harmonious 
and gratitude filled relationship 
be worth to you? 
Can you even put a price on that? 
What will change in your partnership 
if you don't take action now?
Can you afford to continue 
the cycles of disconnect and resentment? 
"Avital’s Parent in Love course is, in a word, beautiful." 
- Laura
When couples invest in Parent in Love they typically...

 Discover how to communicate effectively so that they're heard and you understand

Align on your parenting goals, values & approaches - & accept those areas where you don't align with loving compassion

Feel blessed and grateful to be with your spouse and find deeper meaning in your relationship. 

Model for your children what a healthy relationship looks like 

That means they no longer...
Continue to model dysfunctional, stressful dynamics for their children. Experience isolation and ongoing disappointment in their partner. 
Struggle uphill to fight for their values and peaceful parenting approach
GO FROM: Disconnected, misunderstood, isolated, resentful, disappointed and alone.
TO: Grateful, understood, aligned, validated, and harmonious.
When couples invest in Parent In Love 
they typically...

 Discover how to communicate effectively so that they're heard and you understand

Align on your parenting goals, values & approaches - & accept those areas where you don't align with loving compassion

Feel blessed and grateful to be with your spouse and find deeper meaning in your relationship. 

Model for your children what a healthy relationship looks like 

That means they no longer...
Continue to model dysfunctional, stressful dynamics for their children. Experience isolation and ongoing disappointment in their partner. 
Struggle uphill to fight for their values and peaceful parenting approach
GO FROM: Disconnected, misunderstood, isolated, resentful, disappointed and alone.
TO: Grateful, understood, aligned, validated, and harmonious.
You’re HERE for a reason.

Perhaps you’ve heard that voice inside that keeps whispering, “It doesn’t have to be this way. You’re meant for more than this...”

Or maybe you’re feeling that mix of anticipation and fear because you believe in a different kind of partnership — but you haven’t yet figured out how to turn it into reality.
That inner voice is correct. 
Your feelings are on point.
You’ve barely scratched the surface of what you can personally achieve, and you know it. But my guess is since you’re reading this, you’re ready to change all that. Whether you’re a stay at home mom, a working parent, a first time dad, whether you're frustrated by lack of connection, communication, trust, time or alignment — whoever you are and whatever you're worried about, there’s one thing that’s certain:
Transforming your relationship into a peaceful partnership can profoundly change the quality of your and your children's life.

THIS is how we interrupt intergenerational patterns of dysfunction. 
I know this firsthand. After 12 years of marriage, and 6 years of Parent Coaching, with thousands of lives touched, I can honestly say that investing in a healing, peaceful partnership with your significant other is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding adventures you can experience in this lifetime. 

And one of the most meaningful things we can do for our children, as parents. 

I also believe that our world will improve for everyone  when more families are transformed into hubs of connection, by people like you.

Which is why I’d love you to join Parent In Love. 

We’ll help you reframe your mindset, communicate effectively, connect deeply and save you years of expensive and painful trial and error.
You betcha
Value $357
Do you ever find yourself repetitively thinking negative thoughts? Thinking about how your partner is the wrong one, or just not good enough. Or like you’re not good enough. Like life isn’t fair or like people owe you more?

You’re not alone. The vast majority of parents I work with feel like a victim of their partner, their circumstance or the universe. 
  • Discover: How to leverage the CBT method to rewire your brain to counterattack the thoughts that aren’t serving you.
  • Become: Positive and optimistic about your partner without even bringing the issue up with them (unless you want to).
  • Escape: Victim mindset and empower ourselves. So that you can enjoy your life and feel optimistic.
Money Honey | Make money fights a thing of the past 
Value $437
You might Disagree on Spending Priorities for the Kids or the home. You could Have a Single-Income Household, you might have debt, or maybe you Keep Your Bank Accounts Separate—But Maybe Not Equal. Perhaps One of You Is a “Secret Spender” or the other is a “tight-pursed saver”. 

Recognize yourself here? No wonder.
Money is the top thing couples fight over.
  • Discover: A step by step process for aligning with your partner on your finances.
  • Begin: A different approach to your money conversations, you can make money fights a thing of the past. 
  • Escape: You are not doomed to repeat these arguments for the rest of your lives - you can take active steps to change them which will save you time, pain and even money.
THE SHOW-STOPPER | how to stop fights in the middle
Value $299
Do you find simple conversations escalating into full blown arguments? Do you find yourself or your partner yelling, interrupting, following each other from room to room, refusing to let the topic drop, perhaps eventually going through hours - or days - of hostile silent treatment?

For many couples, arguments happen often.
But the don’t work.
  • Discover: A step by step process for stopping arguments in their tracks.
  • Begin: So that you can stop feeling like “you can’t communicate” and start using all the tools you’ve learned in Parent In love, even when things go "off the rails".
  • Escape: These may not have been skills you’ve learned from home, or from school - but you can learn them now and save major heartache and precious time.
"I am impressed.
Although I have been part of the program only for three weeks now, I can feel and see improvement in my partnership and our relationship."
- Jacqui
erm... yup!
Value $999
 Your unique, most personal questions - ANSWERED!
  • Open door: If any questions at all come up during these six months, you will always be invited to send in any questions you have about the Parent In Love materials
  • Private: No need to be exposed on social media or active in yet another Facebook group (though we provide one) - your personal questions will be answered privately 
  • No time commitment: You'll send in your questions via email, and receive answers via audio file that you can listen to at any time and revisit again and again.
  • Ongoing Support:  If you're still struggling to apply the ideas, you'll have these monthly coaching calls to reinforce you and offer answers.
FastMovers Bonus!
The Exclusive Peaceful Partner Meditation Album
[not otherwise available]
  •  You Chose Well
  •  Script Bank
  •  Active Listening
  •  Vision Crafting
  •  Inner Child
  •  Peaceful Ninja 
Get the FastMovers Bonus!
The Exclusive Peaceful Partner Meditation Album
[not otherwise available]
  • ​ You Chose Well
  •  Script Bank
  •  Active Listening
  •  Vision Crafting
  •  Inner Child
  •  Peaceful Ninja
Act Now to Get the Meditation Album Bonus!
Choose The Parent In Love Plan That Works Best For You:
One Payment of
(Save $500 Today!)
6 Low Monthly Payments of
(Save $315 Today!)
Take the Inside Tour!
by Claire Daly, your Parent in Love Liaison
"I stumbled upon a gold mine"
- Emily
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything is online — no travel, babysitter or even pants are required.

You have lifetime access to the training, so you can go through the materials each week as they’re released in the member's area, or you can slow things down and work at your own pace.
If you plan to work through the live program in real time, we recommend between 1-2 hours per week to watch the training, complete your journal and — if you’d like — go over the ideas with your partner. You can go through the program as best you can; and pause to return to it as their schedule allows.

If you’re not able to carve out that much time at first, don’t worry. You get lifetime access to the program and it's available for you to work at your own pace. Everyone who takes Parent In Love have families and often full-time jobs - it's designed to work for you. 

Of course, the more energy and dedication you put into Parent In Love, the more you'll get out of it. But you can return to revisit the ideas whenever the inspiration - or the need - strikes. 

To be clear, this is not a magice bullet and there are no fast or guaranteed results. Transforming your relationship is a unique, organic process that should span a lifetime - not a linear 6 months - however with some focus and effort, you can see major shifts fast.  
Parent In Love is geared for Intentional, Peaceful (imperfect) Parents - who are looking to create the same level of intention and peace in their committed adult relationship as they do with their children. 

It's for big-hearted action-takers, who are willing to go all-in, be coachable, open minded and vulnerable. 

It's for people who are interested in catapulting their relationship out of the power-struggle, conflict and disconnect - and ushering in the next level in their evolution. 

It's for parents who don't want to argue about parenting anymore, who don't want to feel resentment or stay stuck in the victim mindset - blaming their partner for their unhappiness for the rest of their lives. 

It's for people who essentially love their partner, believe they're a good person overall and enjoy some level of connection with them - but feel frustrated and resentful with how their parenting partnership is currently standing and are willing to roll up their sleeves, and make some changes around here. 
It’s not right if you’re looking for a one-on-one therapy, marriage counseling or relationship coach.

Our program is not right for those looking for help with an emotionally or physically absuive marriage, with mental illness, personality disorders, with divorce and separated coparenting.  

It’s also not right if you are only interested in changing your partner, in licensesed therapy or in receiving support for a volatile or dangerous family dynamic  — this experience is not right for you.

This program is not right if you hope to learn by osmosis. Parent In Love is for action-takers who understand that real change happens with consistent, focused effort over time.

Parent In Love is not right for someone looking for a cookie cutter “problem solved" approach to relationships. You will receive a wide range of ideas and tools - and if you're looking for "final answers" and for justification for your resentment or anger, this program isn't right for you.
No. While the majority of members may be women, we welcome and appreciate the men who are interested in taking this program. 

The content is not gender specific and everyone is welcome in the program.
The cost of Parent In Love is $1,497 USD. But if you join in time with the FastMovers Discount, you pay just $997 USD. That's a savings of $500!

Extended payment plans are available during registration with the FastMovers Discount of $197 USD per month for 6 months (which is still a FastMover discount savings). 

Typically, therapy sessions cost anywhere between $150-$250/ session, with the expectation of a minimum of 3 months (around $1,800 - $3,000 or more). Plus babysitting. Plus, those sessions don’t come with a satisfaction guarantee. Parent In Love does.

"If you think investing in your marriage is expensive... try neglecting it."
Yes. We back our program with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Here’s how it works.

Participate in up to the first Module from the start of the program. If you no longer feel that Parent In Love is right for you, send us an email.

We’ll ask for your completed journal to make sure you gave it a go, and ask what didn’t work for you so we can learn and improve. Once we receive your completed coursework, you’ll get a swift and complete refund.

Do pay attention to dates. We make the refund deadline extremely clear to everyone who signs up.
The deadline exists because, if you sign up for Parent In Love, we want you to get started. We pour enormous human effort into this program and we want to devote that effort to members who are committed. If you don’t plan on starting right away, make sure this is the right investment for you as the refund period does have a firm deadline.

If you do the Parent In Love work and don’t get the value, submit your completed journal within the first 30 days, and get a full and complete refund. Simple as that.
Some health insurance companies may cover this, for example if you have a health spending account. It is worth checking with your health insurance company, as it depends on your coverage.
We absolutely want to be sure that all of your questions get answered throughout the Parent In Love process. For those signing up now, we offer priority Q&A on our monthly coach calls. You'll send in any questions you have - you can send a voice message or write to use - via email with the subject line "PIL question" - every month, for six months, Avital will be answering those questions on a recorded call. You'll receive the audio file in the members area under Coach Calls - and your unique questions will be answered.

This way, you can get the personalized answers you need - without exposure on social media and without being active in another facebook group (but we do provide one for members to support each other in). 
No. Of course any process is amplified by both partners investing in it - but Parent In Love is designed so that YOU can focus on what YOU can change, which is yourself. 

Your partner will necessarily be effected by the changes you make - because that's how relationships work, we're intertwined like that. But you can quit trying to change your partner right now, and start seeing some real transformation. 
If your partner wants to "pop in and out" - that's fine too. 

We've created session summaries which are around the 5 minute length, so it's perfect for shorter attention spans. 
YES! This course is designed to be taken on your own, OR with your partner. 

We have many couples taking the course together. Let us know by replying to your welcome email with your partner's email address if you'd like them to follow along. We would be happy to make that happen for you.
Included in your course is a form you can submit at anytime with your unique questions.

Once a month Avital will record her answers to your questions (you can submit 6 in total) in MP3 format inside your course. It is an MP3 uniquely for you, although other Parent in Love members can listen as well. Which means you'll be able to benefit from the library of coaching calls from other members as well. 
Need Help or Have More Questions?
We’re happy to answer any question you might have and help you make the wisest choice for you.


The most important place this info comes from is my own personal experience, my client's experience, and from my heart. 

But here is a sampling of some of the Authors I've learned from that have informed many of the ideas brought to you in this course. I will always quote my resources when possible, and offer you further resources so that you can go direct to the source on any given session in Parent In Love. 
Actionable Tools Without Dragging your partner to therapy. 
Don't get me wrong, therapy can be GREAT. And if you want to do both Parent In Love and go to an excellent therapist - go for it! 
But I know many people are resistant to therapy. And even if your partner is happy to go - it can take many "tries" before you find the one you have chemistry with. And even if you find "the one" - it's time-consuming, expensive and means you need to get a babysitter... ugh. Not super parent-friendly.
Work on your connection without trying to change your partner.
You may have been waiting - and waiting - for your partner to change for years now. So it's time for me to break it to you that you could be waiting forever. Who knows? The fact is, you have zero control over your partner and their growth schedule! But you have full control over your own. Waiting for your partner to change leaves you helpless and spirals us into controling and manipulative behaviors (I know! I've been there!)... but learning how to INSPIRE change... phew, now that's a whole different ballgame. 
Stop talking and start taking ACTION.
Talking is awesome, I know. And I still encourage you to talk to your partner, your bestie or even a therapist if you have one! But talking is NOT enough to change your relationship. You have to actually take REAL steps and use NEW language and approaches if you want to see anything shift - like, in real life. 
"Avital’s Parent in Love course is, in a word, beautiful."
"It is at once complex and complete, while still being direct and clear. She distills decades of research and writings on couple relationships and presents it in a way that is warm and affectionate while still encouraging you to take responsibility and engage in the process."
Laura Froyen, PhD
Peaceful Parenting and Respectful Relationship Expert
You’re Protected With Our 100% Risk-Free Guarantee
This program has the power to profoundly change your life. That’s not hype — that’s based on results.

We’re confident that if you do the work, you’ll get tremendous value. We back that up with our risk-free guarantee. 

Here’s how it works:

Test drive the first Module of Parent In Love. If within 30 days of purchasing you don’t feel we’ve delivered value — just email our support team, show us your completed journal and we’ll issue you a full refund. 

The reason we ask for your completed journal is simple. We only want to work with people who are fully committed to taking consistent action. We devote tremendous time, energy and care to this program and to its members, so it’s vital that you’re as dedicated to this experience as we are to you.

If you don’t plan to start the program right away, we’d still love to have you, but be sure this is the right investment for you because refund eligibility does have a firm deadline. This framework ensures that only active, committed people are in Parent In Love, which helps us avoid wasting your time and ours.
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